2022阿根廷剧《摆荡人生》全集HD1080P 高清 迅雷下载

导演:Agustina Macri / Fabiana Tiscornia / Andrés G. Schaer
编剧:马里亚诺·寇恩 / 加斯顿·杜帕拉特
主演:克拉拉·拉戈 / Mike Amigorena / Esteban Perez
评分:豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 5.6 / 烂番茄 N/A


Sofía is a young millionaire who seems to have it all: a glamorous lifestyle, a family that indulges her every whim and great friends that are her accomplices in a venturous standard of living that only few can afford. When her father dies she has to return to Buenos Aires, her birthplace, and deal with a heavy legacy that includes the family business, her rivalry with her two brothers and the discovery of an unknown side of her father. Driven by the desire of proving herself to be more than just an expensive ornament, Sofía sets out on a path filled with hindrances, but also revelations: her characteristic flaws will become powerful weapons that she will use to her advantage and her goal will start taking shape and growing to the same extent as her self-confidence. Sofía is determined to prevail and, using unorthodox strategies, she will transform her social circle and her fate.

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小白资源网 » 2022阿根廷剧《摆荡人生》全集HD1080P 高清 迅雷下载




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