2023动画《若虫:森林之歌》HD1080P 高清 迅雷下载

导演:奥列格·马拉姆兹 / Oleksandra Ruban
编剧:杰弗里·海尔顿 / Lesya Ukrainka / 亚若斯拉夫·沃斯谢克
主演:Nataliya Denisenko / Artem Pivovarov / Elena Kravets / 谢尔盖·普里特拉 / Nazar Zadneprovskiy / 奥列格·米哈伊鲁塔 / Yuliya Sanina / Oleg Skripka / Nataliya Sumskaya / Katya Osadcha / Nina Matviyenko / Olena Tsybuska / Marko Halanevych / Nina Garenetska / Iryna Kovalenko
类型:奇幻 / 动画
地区:乌克兰 / 美国
又名:Mavka: The Forest Song / マフカ:森の歌
评分:豆瓣 N/A / IMDB 7.9 / 烂番茄 N/A


Mavka – a beautiful forest nymph and soul of the Forest – faces an impossible choice between love and her duty as guardian to the Heart of the Forest, when she falls in love with a human – the talented young musician Lukash. Our story is about the magical power of love. That kind of love that enables human nature to find the magic within and reveals abilities and qualities that empower a person to reach beyond possible and to hold against evil and human vice.


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小白资源网 » 2023动画《若虫:森林之歌》HD1080P 高清 迅雷下载




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